Friday, April 19, 2019

Hobbs and Shaw Trailer #2, My Thoughts

Back in February, I gave my thoughts on the first trailer for the spin-off of the Fast and the Furious series known as Hobbs and Shaw. I thought it looked like a ton of fun, and seemed to be delightfully insane. But there's a second trailer out! Let's take a look!

I get the feeling this whole film is just going to be Hobbs and Shaw engaging in a metaphorical contest over which one is "manlier" or some other silliness.

I get the feeling Hobbs knew those men were behind the door, and put them there to troll Shaw.

Has Hobbs been spending time on TV Tropes?

That is a big dude. With a big wrench. Reminds me of this giant wrench I saw when I went to the Hoover Dam back in 2012.

Neat, ain't it? It's a Big Dam Wrench. I made a funny. I enjoyed seeing the dam. I saw it again when I went to Nevada for my sister's wedding. I wish I brought my camera.

ONE PUNCH! ONE PUNCH! A bit anti-climactic, but it was funny, so I'll allow it.

Clever way to use a bulletproof vest, I'll give Shaw that.

Yeah, these two will be in a manhood-measuring contest throughout the whole movie.

I think Shaw grabbed the wrong guard.

Is Brixton advertising a reality show?

Wait, why would anyone develop a virus that can do that?! Oh wait, crazy people.

Brixton needs to work on his Falcon Punch.

I bet Shaw's entire family has buttkicker in their DNA.


Is that Helen Mirren?

Heh heh, he ejected early.

That's a lot of dudes with guns. Cue the Conservation of Ninjutsu!

Black Superman, huh? Hey, Brixton! I'd like to introduce you to Val-Zod. I am a NERD.


Aww, Hobbs's mom is sweet. And hey, it's Roman Reigns!

I get the feeling this kind of madness is normal for the Hobbs family.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA Hobbs and Shaw are in trouble.

So, let's see what he got here. We got a family of angry Samoans armed with ancient weapons made of wood and shark teeth...versus mercs armed with modern armor and guns. Yeah, the Samoans are going to win this.


Yeah, Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson totally saw that scene from Captain America: Civil War where Captain America holds off a helicopter with one hand and was like "I can do better".

Well, as I said, this film looks like it will be delightfully insane. I get the impression that this film is not taking itself too seriously. It knows it's a goofy action flick, and it's having fun with it. I got some laughs from this trailer like I did the last one, and this is one I'm looking forward to seeing. Adding that to the list alongside Shazam! and Avengers: Endgame...

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