Sunday, October 27, 2019

NWA Powerrr Episode 3, My Thoughts

It's that time again! Time for me to give my thoughts on the third and newest episode of NWA Powerrr! I've been really enjoying this little wrestling show lately. If you want to look at my thoughts on the last two episodes, you can find them here: Episode One and Episode Two. I suggest you watch the show before reading this, to avoid spoilers. It's an hour long, but I breezes by.

Recap time!

Ouch! Kamille is a trooper.

As I said last time, this storyline has places to go, but it does look like they're doing a heel turn for Aldis.

Eddie Kingston needs to switch to decaf.

Let him fight!

I want to see Eddie and Homicide fight the Dawsons in Cornette's house! Mess it up real good!

Match #1 - Marti Belle vs. Crystal Rose

Starting with a women's match! You may know Marti Belle from Impact Wrestling and appearing in the first Mae Young Classic.

Makes sense Marti gets the win. She's the more famous wrestler.

Good promo from the Dawsons. They want to fight, let's go!

I've heard of Thunder Rosa, but never saw her wrestle before.

Oh, here comes Mr. Hollywood Aron Stevens! And he looks like an extra from an Errol Flynn Robin Hood movie!

If you're not Captain Morgan, then why are you dressed as him?


That movie looks bad. And not in the 'entertainingly-bad' kind of bad.

Match #2 - Caleb Konley vs. Dan Parker

Battle of the wild jackets! Parker's wins due to excessive fringe.

Fun match.

What will be next for Tim Storm? After all, he can now never challenge for the NWA championsuip again. And all he wanted was to be champion again.

Respect seems to be a theme here for the NWA. Kingston's blabbering about it, Tim Storm showing respect to Aldis...

Heh. Mama Storm.

Eli's got a point, Tim. You're in a great brotherhood.

Form a tag team with Drake? It's something to consider, Tim. Nobody said you couldn't go for the tag belts...

Ohhhh, dear...

This hair cream sounds like some cheap toy you can order off the back of a Silver Age comic book!

Here comes Josephus! Does he want another piece of James Storm?!

Oh, Colt Cabana. Why do you want the angry drunken James Storm to come after you?

Josephus is a jerk.


Good thing Cabana has Anderson watching his back.

That vignette was weird.

Looks like Tim Storm has accepted the offer!

Main event time!

Match #3 - Eli Drake and Tim Storm vs. The Dawsons.

Drake and Storm are a good team.

Homicide and Kingston still have unfinished business with the Dawsons. And the show is ending with Aldis checking on Storm. It looks like they're keeping him between being a good guy and a bad guy for now.

This was another good episode, a bit more segment-based than match-heavy like previous ones. I like that the Aldis/Storm thing is affecting other storylines, making the show seem more interconnected. The show just breezed by like the last two episodes. I still wish the some of the wrestlers had entrance music, but I'm getting used to it. An enjoyable episode. Can't wait for episode four!

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