Monday, March 9, 2020

Black Widow Trailer #2, My Thoughts

Back in December of 2019, I gave my thoughts on the first trailer for Natasha "Black Widow" Romanoff's solo feature film debut. I was pretty excited for this movie, Nat getting one final moment of glory in the MCU. Not to mention that we get some more exploration of her past and learn about how she became the super-spy we knew and loved. Not to mention fans have been wanting to see Nat getting her own film for years. A new trailer is out, so let's take a look!

Those islands look nice to visit. Likely cold, though.

I imagine trailers can be pretty cold in the winter...well, depends on the trailer, I guess. I imagine modern trailers can be quite comfy in bad weather.

"Yes, I teach science. The science of PAIN."


Well, I thought it was a pretty good cover story.

Redemption does seem to be a theme for Natasha in the MCU.

In case you're wondering why Nat looks so bored during the car flip, remember one thing. At this point, she helped fight off an alien invasion, an army of killer robots, and some of her teammates. A spy trying to blow her up is rather pedestrian at this point.

Dang, Taskmaster looks really good. You may know him from my look at Avengers #223 (September 1982).

I loved that they showed how he picked up moves. It's even from Black Widow's debut in Iron Man 2! In case you're not in the know, in the comics the Taskmaster has what was called "photographic reflexes". This ability allowed him to copy the fighting styles of anyone he saw. For example, if he watched a Bruce Lee movie, he could use nunchucks like Bruce Lee.

However, this ability does not apply to superpowers. He can't imitate Wolverine's healing factor or Captain Marvel's energy powers, for example.

So basically, the Red Room's pumped out a small army of these new "Black Widows".

When you want to make an epic entrance, use a helicopter.

Aww. I get the feeling that family will be a big theme in this movie. Nat is someone who found a family of sorts in the Avengers. But at the time of this movie, it was broken by the events of Captain America: Civil War. So, she ends up with another one.

Hey, nod to the Black Panther there! That whole Red Guardian/Taskmaster fight looks like it will be awesome.
To be fair, Yelena...yeah, you got a point. Nat should have expected this kind of thing.

Wouldn't be an MCU movie if something big didn't get wrecked.

Ha ha, I imagine those family dinners are always interesting. I need to work on my posture myself, and Nat's gonna need more vodka.

I liked this trailer! It was really cool. I would not be surprised that after Endgame, we see more of Florence Pugh's Yelena Belova in the future. After all, Yelena did use the mantle of Black Widow in the comics. And it would make for some cool character interaction with the Avengers. I can see her and Scott Lang bonding over being the resident "legacies" of previous heroes. Not to mention after Endgame, the Avengers' ranks will need some boosting. Also, I get the feeling Red Guardian is going to be the big breakout character of this film. Maybe Taskmaster as well, just for his stolen moves.

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, spread it around! See you next time! 

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