Sunday, December 23, 2018

MiB: International Trailer, My Thoughts

Men in Black. The adventures of agents of a clandestine spy organization dedicated to protecting Earth from alien threats. Did you know it started out as a comic book? No joke! It originally started out as a three-issue comic series written by American creator Lowell Cunningham and drawn by Canadian artist Sandy Carruthers. The issues were originally published in 1990 for Canadian comic publisher Aircel Comics. In 1991, a second three-issue series was published by Malibu Comics after acquitting Aircel. Funny enough, in 1994, Marvel would end up owning Malibu, and when the original film adaptation of Men in Black was released in 1997, Marvel would put out a comic adaptation and reprint the first issue of the original Aircel series.

The 1997 film has allowed the comic to become a franchise, spawning two sequels, an animated series, and video games. And now...a spin-off film. That's right, this film focuses on some new agents. After all, the United States is not the only place in the world that has alien problems. Let's take a look at the trailer for MiB: International!

Trailers have done that a lot lately, showing little snippets before the start. Why do they do that? That's weird.

Ah, Paris. I'd like to see the Eiffel Tower in person one day. And have a croissant.

Hey, Chris Hemsworth! I imagine a futuristic gun is a nice change for him.

Well, I'd rather have Liam Neeson at my back than Sean Bean. Bean tends to die on people a lot.

*Zelda Rubinstein from Poltergeist voice* Don't go into the light...

New York, New York! So nice, ya gotta say it twice!

She's been looking for these guys for twenty years? Man, I bet her friends ask her to find their stuff all the time, as she will not give up until she finds it!

Nice to see Tessa Thompson again. I bet she and Chris had a laugh when they found themselves working together again.

Heh, the Noisy Crickets.

Tessa Thompson rockin' the suit.

Coffee aliens! I love the coffee aliens!

I say it again, I bet Chris and Tessa had a chuckle about working on a film together again.

Heh, the MiB are the gun nut's wet dream.

You know, considering all the crazy things this bunch had to deal with, I doubt that the MiB can keep the public in the dark about the existence of aliens forever. Something's going to break.


Oh, nice nod to Thor there.

Well, I'm excited for this movie. I loved Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson in Thor: Ragnarok, so I'm glad to see them together in another flick. And I think this looks like a ton of fun!

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