Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Doctor Strange Teaser Trailer, My Thoughts

The MCU is growing, and now we're going to see a new side of it: the supernatural side. Yup, they're going to pull back the veil of mystery and reveal a hidden world of magic and madness. Your guide to this wild new world? Doctor Stephen Strange, brought to life by Benedict Cumberbatch.

The one word I can use to describe this trailer? Trippy. It is trippy. The visuals are like nothing I've seen in a Marvel movie. Kind of appropriate, considering who we are dealing with here.

The film is clearly going to be an origin film, based on the scenes of Benedict Cumberbatch's Stephen Strange working in a hospital. That does make sense. Unlike, say, Superman or Spider-Man, the general public is unaware of Dr. Strange's origins, so having this film be an origin film is a great way to educate people on how he went from arrogant surgeon to Master of the Mystic Arts.

There is one moment in this teaser that blew my mind, that made my jaw just drop. Tilda Swinton's Ancient One, with one chop, KNOCKED STRANGE'S SOUL OUT OF HIS BODY. My jaw hit the floor when I saw that moment, and I actually had to rewind that bit a couple times to see if that was real. That was so cool!

And seeing all those other wizards making things go BANANAS around them, and the bit with the city skyline duplicating and folding like Inception, that was just nuts! That was nuts, man! This is Doctor Strange! This is what he needs! This is weird stuff, and it's perfect! Based on this, and the set photos we have seen, this film is going to be awesome! I can't wait for this! I have to see this movie. I HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE. Oh man, it looks so cool! It's like everyone who was making this dropped a TON of acid and just wrote down what they saw on their trips, and said "Okay, let's put all this stuff in the movie! Why not?! It's Dr. Strange! It needs this!" Wow! This is gonna be a fun movie. Oh, man!

I have to admit, I was a bit worried that Strange would not fit into the more technology and science fiction-oriented MCU, but I think this, and the Ancient One's talk of parallel worlds, just may show Strange may fit right in after all.

The MCU's mystical side is showing itself. If Dr. Strange is coming, then who else from that corner of the Marvel Universe will be following? Werewolf by Night? Blade? Ghost Rider? Certainly raises some possibilities. Some very interesting possibilities...

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