Thursday, April 7, 2016

Rogue One Teaser, My Thoughts

A new Star Wars film is coming! No, I am not talking about Episode VIII, I am taking about Rogue One!

What is Rogue One? Well, Rogue One is the first in a series of Star Wars Anthology films, a series of stand-alone stories set in the Star Wars universe. This one is prequel of sorts to Episode IV: A New Hope. You know in the beginning when the Empire were chasing Princess Leia because she had the plans to the first Death Star? Well, this film will tell how the Rebel Alliance managed to obtain those plans.

The teaser trailer has dropped, and here it is.

It's a short little thing, but it's quite exciting to see. The coolest part had to be when the superlaser disc gets attached to the Death Star. I did feel a bit of a shudder, considering the carnage that thing managed to cause before the Rebels destroyed it.

The thing I really liked about this film is their attempts to keep to the design of the 1970s/1980s Star Wars films. That is really awesome. I think that is fantastic of the filmmakers to go that extra mile. It felt like the era of the Original Trilogy.

The main character of the film is named Jyn Erso, an orphaned rebellious youth portrayed by Felicity Jones, an English actress who has appeared since childhood on various TV shows there and on film. We do learn a bit of her backstory in the trailer, lost her parents, became a rebellious know, it's funny. Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Rey, Jyn Erso...what is it with heroic protagonists in Star Wars losing their parents? I know Star Wars is cyclical, but it seems that in the Star Wars universe, you can't be a hero unless you lose the parents. Weird.

There was this quick scene with a guy whacking a stormtrooper with a staff. That was awesome.

Another awesome moment was the appearance of the AT-AT walkers, and the Rebels running by them. That was incredible to see. The scene showed just how utterly MASSIVE those monsterous things truly are, and how deep in trouble our heroes were. And Forrest Whitaker's voiceover was chilling.

It has been said that this film would not have any Jedi in it. That...actually makes a lot of sense. At the time of this film, the Jedi were all but extinct. If the Jedi Purge didn't get a Jedi Knight, the Knight would be DEEP in hiding, probably so far in hiding you'd never see said Knight again. And it would be neat to show that when it comes to kicking Empire butt, one does not always need to be Force sensitive or use a lightsaber. It will be really cool to see how the Rebels have to make do without the Force.

The only quibble I really have with this is the title, and that's a minor one. You see, the full title of the film is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. I think the full title Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One sounds cooler, but it's not a big deal. It was a fun teaser, and I want to see this thing!

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