Monday, April 4, 2016

Voltron: Legendary Defender: My Thoughts

Voltron is back, baby! Yup, the classic anime from the 1980s is making a comeback thanks to Netflix and DreamWorks.

For many people my age, Volton was one of the big things that made childhood awesome, whether you originally saw it in the 1980s, or like I did, in the 1990s thanks to Toonami. It was an incredible series, five space heroes piloting a group of robotic lions that could transform into giant robots. It was a fun action series, with one punchy theme song.

The show is going to be ran by the same people who ran Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra. I've never had the opportunity to watch those series, but I have heard a lot of good things about them. Hopefully, their third time will be another charm. However, I have heard they will portray this more seriously than other incarnations. I hope that doesn't mean they won't go really far into the dark and gritty. I do want this series to have some moments of lightness and humor.

I also have heard they will pay homage to previous incarnations of Voltron. That's really cool. That will be nice for long-time fans.

We also got to see how this new Voltron will look.

I have to admit, I LOVE this new Voltron design. It looks like the original got heavily upgraded ad it comes off as incredibly powerful. I also love that it's instantly recognizable. You KNOW that is Voltron. I didn't even mind that the royal crest was not on the chest. To be honest, I didn't notice it was missing at first.

We also got to see the Voltron Force's new look.

I will say it, I like these new designs for the Voltron Force. The thing I like about the designs is yes, they are modernized, but they are still recognizable. I immediately recognized Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and Keith. The one in black admittedly threw me off, but I learned he's named one of the characters in the original anime GoLion, the anime that became Voltron. He's a nod to Shirogane, which I think is rather nice, and shows the creators of this series respect the series' roots. It's also a clever way to bring some diversity to the Voltron Force.

The group's look has a look similar to the style of Avatar and Korra, which makes sense. The show is being run by the same people who made those series, after all. I'm guessing they're using the same studio to animate it, too. Based on Voltron's appearance, I think it can be assumed that the show will be a mixture of traditional and CGI animation, traditional for the characters, and CGI for Voltron and possibly the Robeasts. It's a cool idea, but there's that concern that it may be a bit jarring.

All in all, I am excited to see Voltron return. Hopefully, this series will be very good, and a new generation will get to look at Voltron as one of the big heroes of their childhood, too. Good luck, Voltron Force! Good luck, Netflix! Let's go, Voltron Force!

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