Friday, January 18, 2019

John Wick 3 Trailer, My Thoughts

In 2014, a Chad Stahelski-directed neo-noir film called John Wick arrived in theaters. It told the tale of...John Wick, played by Keanu Reeves. A former hitman for the Russian mob codenamed "Baba Yaga", he had recently lost his wife to a terminal illness, but got a puppy to help him cope. Things seemed well...until the moronic son of a Russian mob boss beats him up and kills his puppy. You can guess what happens next.

The film would receive great critical praise, with much of it going to Keanu Reeves' performance as the title character. It also was a big box office smash. In February 2017, the sequel, John Wick: Chapter 2 was released. Like the first film, it was given much critical praise, and made a ton of money at the box office. So, yup...a third film is on the way. Let's take a look at the teaser trailer for the new chapter in the John Wick trilogy: John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum!

What did John Wick do?! They killed his dog! What'd they think he'd do?!

This is how John Wick exercises. Running with his pit bull in the neon glow of a rainy city. We call it the "80s-Cybernoir Workout". Really effective at burning calories...despite the pneumonia risk.

Is that Anjelica Huston?!

Geez, John! Get a cab! I know you want to get to the new gun shop before it opens and all, but seriously! Get a cab!

Heh. John Wick vs. The World. I would not bet on the world winning this one.

GUN TO THE FACE. That would hurt.

I love the usage of that music to contrast the blinding violence.

Hey, Mark Dacascos! I loved him on Iron Chef! 

John killed a man with a book. Seriously, why is he not in a Mortal Kombat game? Can we get Netherrealm Studios on this?

Wick on a horse. That has to be a nod to True Lies! I love that movie.

John Wick of Arabia!

Halle Berry is right. Conversations with John tend to end in massacres.

Well, this sounds like a fun bit of action right here. I have seen a bit of the first one on TV, and I enjoyed it. Really got to see the whole first movie and the second one sometime. This film sounds like a ton of fun, and I hope it does well.

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