Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Shakedown: Hawaii Launch Trailer, My Thoughts

In 2012, Canadian game studio VBlank Entertainment released the game Retro City Rampage. It used a Grand Theft Auto-esque world to parody various classic video games and homage the pop culture of the 1980s and 1990s. This game would go on to be released on various consoles and handhelds over the years, including most recently the Nintendo Switch. I have the deluxe enhanced version on my 3DS, and it's a fun game. I highly recommend it.

Naturally, a game like this deserves a sequel. And now, we got it! Say hello to Shakedown: Hawaii!

Hi! I'm happy to be here!

I'm loving the graphical style already. I grew up in the era of the 16-Bit Console Wars. Super Nintendo vs. Sega Genesis. I enjoyed RCR, but I never could connect with the graphical style of that game. I get it was homaging 8-bit games, so maybe that's why I never could make that connection.

Yes, a "legitimate" corporation. Totally without any sort of law-breaking involved. Oh, no.

I love that VBlank is embracing the insanity of the GTA games. Well, technically...they already did. Glad to see they are continuing it.

Love that there's a variety of places to go. Hope there's a desert area, because why not?

I hope the tons of enterable stores include plenty of opportunity for customization. And that it's deep.

Mr. CEO should learn to keep up with the times. That's why he's in the trouble he's in right now. VHS tapes are out, streaming is in!

Yeah, if you have to subscribe to something to use a printer, that's a bad printer. May have to go Office Space on it.

Lesson here? If you're running a company, keep an eye on things. Don't just sit on the freakin' beach!

Business in the front, bodies in the back. Heh. I did like the announcer voice in the trailer.

Ohhh, this game looks like a ton of fun! As I have said, I enjoyed Retro City Rampage despite my lack of ability to connect to the graphical style. This, however...this looks more like my jam. I hope this game provides plenty of ways to reach the goal of economically dominating Hawaii. I do want to have some legitimacy in my semi-criminal business enterprises, after all. I love the look of the game, and I can't wait to play this!

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