Sunday, May 26, 2019

Terminator: Dark Fate Teaser, My Thoughts

In 1984, a film called The Terminator was released. Directed (and co-written with Gale Ann Hurd) by James Cameron, it told the tale of a woman who was the target of assassination by a merciless robot because she was destined to birth a child that would save humanity from a machine-ruled future.

The film would spend two weeks at the top of the US box office, and make nearly $80 million on a $6.4 million budget. It would solidify Arnold Schwarzenegger as an action star, as well as establish James Cameron as a major film director. The film was given critical acclaim and is regarded as one of the most beloved films of the 1980s. It even got added to the National Film Registry in 2008, being considered culturally significant.

The film would also launch a franchise, which would extend to further movies, comic books, and a television series. And there is a new film coming, which will see Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger reprise their iconic roles of Sarah Connor and the T-800. This film is set to be a direct sequel to the first two Terminator movies, with the other media being regarded as alternate timelines. Set 20 years after the events of Terminator 2, Terminator: Dark Fate sees Sarah Connor in a familiar, yet new situation: She must be the one to protect a young woman named Dani Ramos from a Terminator bent on killing her. So, let's take a look at the teaser trailer for this movie!

Heh, I recognize that road shot. It's a nod to T2. I love T2.

Well, Dani...your life may no longer be simple when Sarah Connor crosses your path, but at least it won't be dull.

Dude! There was a door right there! This is why no one invited you to housewarming parties!

I know Gabriel Luna from Agents of SHIELD. He played the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider. I hope he gets his own show, he was great.

Okay, so Gabriel Luna's Terminator is a mix of the T-800 and T-1000. Basically, a liquid metal "skin" over the iconic endoskeleton. Skynet's been drinking, hasn't it?

Yeah, that woman is a cyborg.

Man, Sarah Connor only gets more awesome with age. It's really cool that they're showing that women can still be awesome in their 60s (Linda Hamilton will be celebrating her 63rd this coming September, Happy Early Birthday!).

Yeah, that RPG/bazooka will hurt.

I get the feeling that the blonde cyborg is a nod to Terminator Salvation. I've seen that one. It featured a human/Terminator hybrid, too. It was alright, but not remotely as good as T2.

Wait...Arnold's T-800 willingly destroyed itself at the end of Terminator 2! How is he back?! Where's he been these twenty years?! AND HOW DID HE GET A CABIN IN THE WOODS?!

This is why Terminators are not allowed to get pilot licenses.

I know that the blonde lady is fighting a liquid metal cyborg, but I get the feeling that taking a sledgehammer to its leg would not result in a Looney Tunes splat noise.

I have to say, when I first heard of this movie (heck, any Terminator movie post-T2), I had one thought: "Why do a sequel to Terminator 2? T2 pretty much closed the story. Sarah and John were able to prevent the creation of Skynet, which averted Judgment Day. The bad future was prevent, Sarah and John had a chance at a normal life, happy ending. Maybe someone attempts to recreate Skynet? I can imagine some crazy would try again. Maybe some of Dyson's research survived? I can see it going that way. If it comes to my local theater, I just may give it a look. If only out of curiosity.

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