Wednesday, January 8, 2020

New Mutants Trailer #2, My Thoughts

All the way back in...October 2017 Good God ALMIGHTY this was a long time ago, I looked at the trailer for what was going to be the New Mutants' film debut. The film, directed by Josh Boone, was subjected to numerous delays, and then Disney acquired 20th Century Fox. They felt the original version of the film had "limited box office potential". They did further work on the film to make it closer to Boone's vision, which he was reportedly happy with. As a result, at least, among the nerds I associate with, the film became essentially vaporware. It was forgotten about, and it was believed that it would never be released after Disney bought Fox. After all, Dark Phoenix was a critical and box office failure, so maybe the Mouse felt that people would be all to happy to forget this existed.

I remembered not really caring a whole lot about this film, mainly due to my general apathy towards the Fox X-Men movies. But evidently, they released a new trailer for the movie, now due out on April 3, 2020...which is my birthday. Let's take a look!

" it snowing in here?! Aw man, they need to get that friggin' roof fixed!"


That is Alice Braga as Dr. Cecilia Reyes. In the comics, Reyes was a mutant herself, having the power to create a protective forcefield around herself. Thing is, Reyes has often been portrayed in the comics as Afro-Latina. Oops. Yeah, this film got some controversy for its casting. Another character that's been hit by this is Sunspot. You see, he's portrayed in the film by Henry Zaga. Zaga himself is Brazilian, like Roberto in the comics, but Roberto is Afro-Brazilian in the comics. Zaga is not. See the problem here?

Fox needed to work on the casting there.

Basically, we got some of the classic New Mutants here: Sunspot, Wolfsbane, Cannonball, Mirage, and Magik. But I have one question. Where's Karma? Karma was one of the original New Mutants in the comics. Also, she was one of the very first lesbian characters in a mainstream comic book. People have been wanting to see more diversity in superhero films.

I like the little hinting of Wolfsbane's mutant lycanthropy.

Huh, so Juliana ends up getting fried by Roberto instead of taking a bullet for him.

Yeah, people tend to not realize Illyana gets very violent when she's drunk. I kid.

I like the creepy rendition of Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in The Wall".

Masked men. Hellfire Club mercenaries? They played a role in Cannonball and Sunspot's origins in the comics...

Dang it, Spider-Man! Stop pranking them!

Nightmare about the mines. In the comics, Cannonball came from a family of miners. His father died in the mines.

Wait, was that the Demon Bear?!

Yeah, Dani and Rahne were close in the comics. Their powers complimented each other. Considering how Claremont wrote them, I'm not surprised that many saw them as a couple.

And some shots of powers, which is nice to see after the last trailer.

I do think that this trailer is honestly better than the last one. The last one seemed to try and pretend that it was a standard horror film. This one is actually willing to show that we got some superpowered kids dealing with monsters (both figuratively in the doctors and literally in the Demon Bear). I really enjoyed this trailer. As for the film itself, I'll...see how it goes among my fellow nerds.

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