Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Birds of Prey Trailer, My Thoughts

Back in January, I gave my thoughts on the teaser for the DC Cinematic Universe's upcoming eighth film, Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of Harley Quinn). Yeah, that title is a mouthful, huh? I also remember not being overly hyped for this film. Mainly, I was concerned that the Birds of Prey would be ignored in favor of Harley Quinn. And the title of the movie (not to mention that Margot Robbie is producing the movie) did not help.

Well, a new trailer is out! Will we get to see more of the Birds of Prey? Let's find out!

In case you're wondering, Harley is talking to Black Canary in this scene. She's played by Jurnee Smollett-Bell. I think she's supposed to be a punk rocker. Considering Canary's sonic powers, her being a singer kind of fits.

That face says, "I'm not going to be in this movie much, am I?"

She and Joker broke up. Yeah, that'll last. She always comes back to him. That's kind of the tragedy of the character.

I know who Rosie Perez is, and she's playing Renee Montoya.

And hey, it's Huntress! She's played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead. I do wish the crossbow was purple, though. Still is neat, though.

...how did that place get the hyenas? I'd imagine Harley stole them from a zoo myself.

Ewan McGregor! He plays Black Mask...who is not wearing his black mask. I hope he gets that in this movie.

"We're henchman, you looney tune! Your ex used to kill us a lot!"

Aww, don't be sad, Ewan! We're happy to see you back as Obi-Wan Kenobi!

And there's the Gentlemen Prefer Blondes homage. And what IS that song?

In case you're wondering, the young girl is Cassandra Cain. In the comics, she became the...third Batgirl, I think. She was pretty popular. Then DC erased her from continuity, when brought her back, and it's all a massive fustercluck.

I can imagine this version of Harley sees everything like she's in a Looney Tunes cartoon. Would make sense, they are both owned by Warner Bros.

Well, this trailer...really did not dispel my concerns about this film being essentially "Harley Quinn and Other People". She really overtook the trailer, didn't she? I don't think we saw much of the actual Birds of Prey. That's not surprising. I do want to see a Birds of Prey film, but I would like it to focus on the actual Birds of Prey. The film may seem decent and maybe even enjoyable, but I want the Birds. I want a film called "Birds of Prey" to be about the Birds of Prey. I'm not getting that impression from this trailer.

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, spread it around! See you next time!


  1. As much as I agree about Cass' comics retcon being, shall we say, flawed--the little bit we saw in the trailer may actually be worse than what Tynion established.
    Yeah, I'm surprised I said it, too.

    -Patrick Morbach (AKA Angry Spork on YouTube)

    1. Yeah, I think it's part of the whole "center everything on Harley" problem this film looks like it has.
