Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Deadpool 2 Trailer

When Deadpool made his feature film debut, the results were...underwhelming. However, Ryan Reynolds did get praise for his portrayal of the character. So, it only made sense that he would play the lead in Deadpool's solo movie. Unlike X-Men: Origins - Wolverine, Deadpool's solo movie was hit with critics and fans. It captured the essence of the character, and naturally, a sequel would be ordered. And here's the trailer! One word of warning, there is some NSFW language in this trailer.

Hi, Cable! How was your nap? Dreaming of your confusing family line again?

Aww, Cable has a teddy bear. How cute. Nice to see he's kept in touch with his inner child in a small way.

And the trailer gets HILARIOUS. Incompetent movie studio people being incompetent, and I loved the dig to Justice League and Henry Cavill's moustache. Ha ha ha!

Sheriff Deadpool needs to be an actual action figure.

Josh Brolin looks really awesome as Cable. And so does Zazie Beetz as Domino. And it looks like Negasonic Teenage Warhead's been practicing and refining her powers a bit. Also like her new hairstyle.

Negasonic: Yeah, I saw some old video of this guy named Elvis Presley. He was pretty cool.


Hey, the cab driver is back!

This trailer is hilarious! I love it so much! I cannot wait for this movie!

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