Sunday, September 16, 2018

Treasure Stack Announcement Trailer, My Thoughts

Puzzle games. This genre of video games have been around since, well...about the same length of time as video games themselves. One of the earliest puzzle games was Heiankyo Alien, released in Japan for the arcades and PC-8001 computer in 1979. Other such puzzle games would follow up, like Lode Runner. But it would be the Alexey Pajitnov-created game Tetris that would revolutionize and popularize the genre. Tetris would be released to just about every game platform available. Puzzle games continued to be popular thanks to games like Lemmings and Minesweeper. Also, the rise of gaming on mobile phones would continue to keep the genre popular, thanks to games like Candy Crush Saga.

Puzzle games have graced practically every gaming platform known to man. And the Nintendo Switch is no exception. Let's take a look at the announcement trailer for Treasure Stack!

I like the look of the game.

I'm guessing the object is to match treasure chests of a particular color.

Playing as different characters, huh? I wonder if each character has advantages and/or disadvantages to play as. Same with the hooks.

I like the multiplayer feature. Many of the older puzzle games in this style had that feature, and nothing was more fun than sending your friend a sudden drop of blocks.

I've heard people compare this to Wario's Woods. I never played the game, so I looked it up. I can see why, the game mechanics look similar.

This looks like a nice bit of fun. It's nice to see simple games like this. Some games don't need complicated stories and tons of features to be fun. Often, it just comes down to exciting gameplay. And I can see this being enjoyed by a lot of people. I hope it is. If it has a demo, I'll give it a try.

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