Friday, April 24, 2020

Road Redemption Review

In 2017, EQ-Games and Pixel Dash Studios released the game Road Redemption. A combat racing game, the game was intended to be a spiritual successor to the classic Road Rash games from Electronic Arts. Back in November 2018, I gave my thoughts on the game's launch trailer here. The game was originally released for computers in 2017, but 2018 saw it come to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch.

I remember being very excited for the game. I bought it on the Switch eShop when it was offered at a discount, and I thought I'd give my thoughts on the game, so here we go.

In the game, you play as a member of a motorcycle gang in a post-apocalyptic Western United States, and you fight other bikers in a race to...well, the plot is just an excuse for bashing bikers.

The first thing I have to say is that the game is surprisingly addicting. It's one of those games that in my experience, I could not put down. Seriously. It was a ton of fun whacking people off their bikes. And thanks to the XP system, you could purchase permanent upgrades to your rider so they can hit harder, take more of a beating, earn more money, etc. It's a fantastic way to entice players to keep on playing.

The races also aren't time-consumers. If you get good enough, you can get pretty far in the game pretty fast. There are multiple goals for races. Some involve you getting a certain position or higher, others require you to eliminate a certain biker or group of bikers, and still others just require you to make it through the race alive.

If you make it, or achieve the objective of the race, you get money that you can spend on temporary enhancements for the next one. Spend it wisely.

Road Redemption is a fun little racing game, and I recommend it if you are looking to add a racing game to your collection. The levels can feel repetitive, but with the game being so addicting, you won't worry about it.

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, spread it around! Take care of yourselves, and each other. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay home, and wash your hands often! See you next time!

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