Friday, October 12, 2018

Luigi's Mansion 3DS Launch Trailer, My Thoughts

Back in 2001, Nintendo released the game Luigi's Mansion as a launch title for the Nintendo GameCube. It was the 5th best-selling GameCube game of all time, and it was received well by critics, although they did point out its short length. It would get a sequel for the 3DS, and a third game has been announced for the Nintendo Switch.

The original Luigi's Mansion had also been announced to get a remake for the 3DS, and now the Launch trailer is out! Let's take a look!

Ah, this brings back memories. I loved this game so much. You know, you'd think Luigi would be at the very least suspicious that he was given a prize for winning a contest he never entered. But then again, there'd be no game.

Gotta admit, this remake looks good so far.

I am just having so much nostalgia watching this trailer. I really am.

Ooh, an upgraded Strobulb. that will come in handy. I think that's from Dark Moon.

Death will not stop those two from dancing the night away.

One good thing about being a ghost? Being able to eat all you want and never gain a pound.

Ghost!Hans is going to PUMP! *clap* YOU UP!

Having the map on the second screen is going to be SO handy and helpful. I'm not be sarcastic, I think it actually will be handy.

Wow, time attack mode that can also include two player co-op AND you don't both have to own the game? Sweet!

Gooigi. He's going to be an Echo Fighter for Luigi in Smash in the future.

Hey, a harder New Game+! That's neat!

I have to admit, I am excited for this game. But I admit, I am hoping for something. I would like to see more new bosses and rooms. That would be pretty cool. One of the big criticisms of the game was its short length, so I do hope that is addressed. Otherwise that, I am excited to play the original Luigis Mansion on the go!

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