Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Aquaman Trailer, My Thoughts

Aquaman. In the DC Universe, the man born Orin, but named Arthur Curry by humanity is the King of the Seven Seas. He was among the many iconic superheroes that first appeared during the Golden Age of Comics [More Fun Comics #73 (November 1941)]. Since then, Aquaman has become one of DC's most stalwart superheroes. He's appeared in various media, including cartoons and now...his own live action movie.

Jason Momoa has portrayed the King of the Seas in Batman v Superman and Justice League, but now gets to shine on his own in his first solo live-action adventure. The trailer is out, so let's take a look!

It was a dark and stormy night...typical night in the DCEU if Batman v Superman indicated anything.

With Aquaman's dad being a lighthouse keeper, one could argue that Arthur Curry's life could embody the phrase "Started from the bottom, now I'm here".

I'm guessing the woman is Aquaman's mom. Aquamom. Yes, she was the Queen of Atlantis, but I'm still calling her Aquamom.

Yeah, don't mess with Arthur. It makes sharks angry. Angry sharks are nothing to mess with.

Sudden submarine.

You know guys, when Jason Momoa busts into your submarine asking permission to come aboard, the proper response is, "Yeah, sure. Want some snacks?" And they learn this the hard way.

Hi, Mera. Hopefully you'll get to do more in this movie than just be a fanservice moment like in Justice League. Seriously, I think she was only in that movie so there would be some cleavage. God, Justice League could have been so much better...

Orm wants to declare war on the surface world again, huh? Well, I get his anger. If I was named Orm, I'd be angry at the world too.



Hey, Black Manta! How's it going, pal?

Hey, I actually laughed at that bit with Mera and the parachute.

Well, I have to admit, this looks like it could actually be fun. The DCEU has been getting a lot of criticism for being overly dark and gray, but between this and Wonder Woman, it looks like they may finally be learning from their mistakes and being willing to let their films have some fun and color in them. I just wish they did this film before Justice League. Would have helped establish Aquaman and his world so Justice League didn't have to do it. Ah well, what's done is done. I'll give this a shot.

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