Sunday, July 22, 2018

Godzilla, King of the Monsters Trailer, My Thoughts

In 1954, a Japanese science-fiction film was brought into the world. It was the ultimate expression of the fears of the nuclear bomb. The bomb created a giant dinosaur/dragon-esque monster that stomped Tokyo to the ground. That monster's name? In his homeland, he's called Gojira, but you may know Godzilla.

After 64 years, Godzilla has become an international film icon. He presides over the longest-running film series in history (33 and counting), has appeared in various other media including comic books and cartoons, and has played a variety of roles from force of nature to anti-hero to outright heroic character. He spawned a franchise full of monsters about as iconic as he is, including allies like Mothra, Rodan, and Anguirus, and arguably his arch-nemesis King Ghidora.

The United States has embraced the King of the Monsters with their own films: A 1996 movie that was not received very well, a 2014 reboot that was critically and commercially acclaimed...and a sequel.

That's right! Legendary Pictures is bringing the King of the Monsters back to American shores with a follow up to 2014's Godzilla (Which is a great movie). He's also bringing a couple of old friends with him...and an old enemy. So, let's take a look at this trailer!

Hey, it's Millie Bobby Brown, from Stanger Things! I heard that was good.

Mass extinction event, huh? Eh, nothing the Earth has been through before.

Oh my God, those clouds are angry...and quite hungry.

So, basically, the Earth is tired of humanity's foolishness, and decides to send up some monsters to break our stuff. Gotta admit, that's a twist.

Oh, that dragon head looks familiar...if it lets out a bell-like laugh, I'm out of here.

What as that, a giant turtle? That can't be Gamera. He's not even a Toho monster!

You know that was Godzilla saying "I'M BACK, MOTHATRUCKAS!" He looks good, must've been hitting the gym.

HOLY COW, THAT WAS MOTHRA! THAT WAS MOTHRA! WE GOT MOTHRA! Yeah, that turtle-head thing may have been a Mothra larva.

AND RODAN! THAT WAS RODAN! After this movie, Godzilla must've called them and said, "Hey guys, I'm doin' a sequel! Get over here and you guys can be in it!"

Screw your planes, that's Rodan!

Oh God, that's King Ghidorah. If there is any kaiju in Toho's monster zoo that could be considered truly evil, it's this golden-plated three-headed destroyer. I would not be surprised if he was the villain in this movie.

Long Live the King, indeed.

I love that final shot with Godzilla and the fighter jets streaking through the sky alongside him. Really gives the impression that he and the humans are working together against a bigger threat.

I have to admit, I am hyped for this. I loved the 2014 Legendary Godzilla, and I think this one will be a ton of fun. Especially since we'll be seeing more monsters from Toho in this.

I'm only worried about one thing with this movie. Four monsters in this movie might be too much. Justice League showed the dangers of having a film packed with famous characters without proper buildup, so I worry that this film will suffer because it won't have enough room to give the monsters their due. Otherwise that, I am so looking forward to this film!

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