Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dolittle Trailer, My Thoughts

In 1920, the children's book The Story of Doctor Dolittle debuted, written and drawn by British author Hugh Lofting. The first in a series of Victorian England-era-set books, it told the tale of Dr. John Dolittle, a veterinarian with the ability to talk to animals. Lofting first illustrated the character in letters he wrote to his children while he was in the trenches of World War I.

The book would be a hit, leading to a series of sequels (two published after Lofting's death in 1947). The Story of Doctor Dolittle would win the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1958, and the first sequel The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle would win the Newbury Medal in 1923.

The series would get adaptations to various media over the years, including an animated series. The first film adaptation of the book series was done in 1967, with Rex Harrison in the title role. However, those of my generation may be more aware of the 1998 film with Eddie Murphy as the titular doctor. That film would spawn some sequels. Now, in 2020, a new Dolittle is coming to film, with the Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr. taking up the doctor's coat. Let's take a look at the trailer.

Ooh look, I think that's Polynesia the Parrot! He was one of Dolittle's animal pals in the books.

I wonder who cleans up after these animals? Because you know they're going to make a mess.

Riding an ostrich into a building. Now that is how you make an entrance.

I think it would be so funny if that goose there was just cursing out everyone.

That giraffe is like "Yo, you got any Funyuns? I got the major munchies right now."

Is it just me, or does that octopus and gorilla look like they're obvious CGI? Like, you can clearly tell they're CGI.

Dolittle, what did you DO?!

I do kind of find the voice that Downey Jr. uses as Dolittle kind of odd. Like he's trying to do a bit of a campier version of the voice he used as Sherlock Holmes. Those were good movies, I heard a third was coming, and I hope that's true.

That's quite a cast they got there.

The big thing I did like about this trailer is that we don't really get any idea of what the story of the film is about. All we seem to get is that this young boy meets Dolittle, and he ends up in jail somehow. I do think Robert Downey Jr. will do a good job, he's a very good actor. And I am quite impressed with the cast. The film does look like it will be a visual spectacle. Hopefully, it will be enjoyable.

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