Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bad Boys for Life Trailer #2, My Thoughts

Back in September, I took a look at the first trailer for the third film in the Bad Boys franchise: Bad Boys for Life. I was pretty excited for it. I loved Bad Boys II, so I couldn't wait to see this movie. And they just recently put up a second trailer! Awesome!

I do want to warn you, this trailer does have some usage of NSFW language in it, so please keep that in mind when playing this trailer. Thank you. Let's take a look!

I get the feeling Smith and Lawrence were having a ton of fun making this movie.

Ahhhh, Miami. Sun, sand, sea...and lots of action if you know where to look. I think Will Smith did a song about Miami, too.

Heh heh, Mike Lowrey can't drive like a normal person. I think behind the wheel cause a switch to flip in his brain. It's like Jekyll and Hyde. Normal guy outside the car, maniac inside the car. The car is the potion, if you know what I mean.

Marcus has got a point, Mike. You need a Batsuit, utility belt, gadgets, and a lot of intensity. Also, the Batmobile. Chicks dig the Batmobile.

I know Marcus doesn't trust Uber, but wow.

Wow, Miami looks awesome at night. Kind of like a Sonic level. Now I want to play Sonic Mania again...

I like the paralleling shots comparing Lowrey and Burnett's characters. Lowrey is the action man, well-off, always ready to bust some criminals. Burnett is more laid-back, middle-class, and likes to chill out on his chair. Very nice job there, trailer editors.

Lowrey does have a point. "Good men, good men" isn't as catchy.

Times change, boys. You have to adapt. That's the way of the universe.


We saw a bit of this in the last trailer, but there seems to be a bit of a feeling of finality. Burnett is retiring. This'll likely be the last ride of the Bad Boys.

A toast!

Pit bulls are actually very nice friendly doggies. It's bad owners that make them vicious.

Just pet it, Marcus! Dogs like getting their heads pat. I should know. My niece has a big dog.

Ahhh, nothing like a nice drive on the beach.

Lots of action.

Those bad guys must be loaded if they have all those helicopters.


Don't you just hate it when a corpse lands on your car? I'm sure that happens to a lot of people.

Like the first trailer, it doesn't reveal much, but I get the idea we're going to be in for quite the action-packed ride. I got a few good laughs out of it like the last trailer as well. It's gotten me excited for this flick! I cannot wait! Bring it on!

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, spread it around! See you next time!

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