Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Launch Trailer, My Thoughts

In 2009, Ghostbusters: The Video Game was released for Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation Portable, and the Wii. The game was set around Thanksgiving in 1991, a couple of years after the events of the film Ghostbusters II. The game had all the original Ghostbusters reprise their roles: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, and the late Harold Ramis. Other cast members from the films also appeared in the games, including William Atherton and Annie Potts.

Notably, the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Windows versions would be known as the "Realistic Versions" of the game because of their using character models that looked more like...well, real people. The Wii, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable version would be known as the "Stylized Versions" due to them having cartoonier graphics.

In the game, you play as a new member of the Ghostbuster team who helps test new ghost-eliminating technology as some of the old enemies of the Ghostbusters make their comeback. The game would be a critical success, but was mainly criticized for its length. The Windows version would get more mixed reviews due to lack of multiplayer and problems with its DRM. The game would go on to sell a million copies.

Last month, a Remastered version of the game, based on the "Realistic Version" has come out for Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. Let's take a look!

Oooh, the game looks good already! I have this game for the Xbox 360, and it was a lot of fun. Not to mention it was awesome hearing the original four Ghostbusters one more time. Man, I miss Harold Ramis...

I love that song so much. Who ya gonna call?!

Yeah, that tombstone's going to leave a mark on that Ectomobile.

Ha ha, that ghost just took a proton stream to the FACE!

Stay Puft doing its best kaiju impression. I know everyone is excited for the upcoming Godzilla vs. Kong, but I want to see Stay Puft jump into that brawl.

God, shooting ghosts was so fun in this game! I'm happy it's come to the Switch. It can be played on the go now!

Man, some of those ghosts are ugly little spuds, aren't they?

As I said earlier, it was great hearing the original Ghostbuster team one last time.

Oh, this was awesome! I loved this game on the Xbox 360, and I am so happy that it's come to the Nintendo Switch! I can play it on the go! Yahoo! If you're a fan of Ghostbusters, get this game! It is so much fun!

Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, spread it around! Se you next time!

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