Monday, November 25, 2019

Samurai Shodown 2019 Announcement Trailer, My Thoughts

In 1993, SNK released the game known as Samurai Shodown for their Neo Geo arcade machines and home consoles. Like other fighting game series such as Capcom's Street Fighter, it would spawn a franchise that brought about numerous sequels, spin-offs, and animated adaptations. The game stood out from many other games in the genre in two ways: Unlike the modern day, the game would be set in Feudal Japan, and it focused on weapon-based combat.

The game would be ported to various other consoles and handhelds of the era like the Super NES, Genesis, Game Boy, Sega DC, Sega Saturn, the 3DO, and even the first two PlayStations. The original arcade version would be highly praised, but the ports would get various levels of good reception. 

Earlier this year, a reboot of the series, titled simply Samurai Shodown, came out for the PS4, Xbox One, and the arcade. And next year, it's coming to the Nintendo Switch and Windows in the West! Let's take a look!

The year: 1787. The place: Japan, the Tenmei era.

Why can't spirits from beyond simply be nice? Just want to say hello and hang out?

I have no idea who any of these characters are.

From what I understand, the Samurai Shodown games tend to showcase the Japanese culture heavily, including letting the characters' speech go undubbed. Which does make sense, considering the setting of the series.

I have to admit, I like the music in this trailer. It's fast-paced, energizing, and the usage of traditional Japanese instruments gives it a cool sound.


Huh. Samurai Shodown! 2. That's neat they're re-releasing an old game like this. That's a cool bonus.

Well, I have never played a Samurai Shodown game before. I have heard of the series, but that's about it. I may give this a try, though. Hope they put out a demo. The game looks pretty good.

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