Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Final Fantasy X/X-2 "Your Story Begins" Trailer, My Thoughts

Recently, it seems like the Final Fantasy series has been getting itself reacquainted with being on Nintendo systems again. True, Final Fantasy and Nintendo used to go hand-in-hand back in the day, but after VII, it seemed like newer FF games would never come to anything the big N made. Sure, remakes of older FF games came to the handhelds, but that seemed to be it.

However, with the Nintendo Switch, Square Enix has decided to port some of the Final Fantasy games to it, games that have never been on a Nintendo console before. We've seen the announcements for VII and IX, and as we'll see here, X and X-2. As for why XIII isn't among this group...funny story there. From what I heard...they lost the source code for it. Yup. Square Enix literally lost the source code for a game in one of their main and most popular franchises. How do you DO THAT?!

Back on topic. Let's talk about Final Fantasy X a bit. Originally released in 2001 for the PlayStation 2, the game has gone on to be ported to the PS3 and 4, the Vita, and Windows. It was the first game in the series to use full voice acting. It was also the first game in the series whose music was not solely composed by Nobuo Uematsu. Junya Nakano and Masashi Hamauzu were brought in to help. It also was the first game to get itself a sequel. Yeah, the Final Fantasy games tend to tell a new story with different characters in each game.

Much like a couple of its predecessors, FFX was heavily praised and is considered one of the greatest games of all time. X-2 has been highly praised as well, but it's not considered as iconic as the first one.

Well, now they can be played on the go for the...second time. The PlayStation Vita was a handheld. Anyway, for my 650th blog entry...yeah, 650. I can't believe it, either. Let's look at this trailer!

Be entranced by Yuna's mystical dance!

"So...does anybody know any scary stories?"

There s no way that big red island is natural.

You can bet someone is going to make a drunken nuisance of themselves at this wedding.

Ride the rails, baby!


That's a lot of gameplay time.

That's what a Venusaur's flower bud becomes if it's not planted on the Bulbasaur.

I don't think it's a good idea to feed the monster that big glowing orb thing.

These games look rather nuts.

I have to admit, I do have an odd interest in FFX. I saw the Completionist's video on the game, and he made it seem like it was a lot of fun...but not one to complete. I think I may give it a shot. Thanks for reading this blog entry! If you liked it, spread it around! And if you want to give this blog some additional support, please drop a tip in my Digital Tip Jar! See you next time!

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